vos besoins 9 decolleteThe décolleté is an area particularly exposed to UV rays, altering the quality of the skin, with a wrinkled appearance frequently observed.

Mesolift, a technique that consists of superficial injections of anti-oxidants, vitamins and hyaluronic acid, stimulates the production of collagen by your own skin and moisturises the dermis in depth. This has the effect of smoothing your décolleté and preventing further ageing.

Biorevitalization with PRX-T33 will smooth your skin by stimulating your collagen and elastin synthesis

Profhilo injections will deeply hydrate the skin and stimulate collagen production. Your skin will look firmer, smoother and tighter.


  • Mesolift
  • Bio-revitalisation with PRX-T33
  • PROFHILO injections
  • Injections de PHILART